Terms of Service

Terms of Service & Privacy Policy
Quiet Healing Center is a health service, which offers natural, non-allopathic therapies and health related workshops to an international clientele. We also run in-house accommodation facilities for Indian and foreign clients, who want to stay with us. Consumption of alcohol is not permitted in our premises.
1. Registrations
For room bookings and workshop registrations, you can register through our website, write us an email at [email protected], or visit our reception.
We will inform you within the next few days about availability and email you all necessary bank information for making an advance deposit to the Quiet Healing Center in order to confirm your booking.
For room bookings, confirmation is made by paying an advance deposit based on the number of days. For courses and workshops, confirmation is made by paying an advance deposit of at least 20% of the total price. For therapies, confirmation is made by paying an advance of ₹ 1,000 (one thousand rupees).
Prices for health-related workshops and courses include teaching fees, cost of materials, meals and GST. Registrations are subject to first-come first-serve basis and are closed once our capacity has been reached.
2. Mode of Payment
Advances from within India may be made through UPI, online transfer (NEFT) from your home, or bank draft/cheque. Advances from abroad may be made by bank draft/cheque, SWIFT transfer or, if your bank provides this facility, online from your home.
Payments may be made through UPI (GPay, PhonePe, PayTM etc. for Indian residents), debit/credit card, and bank transfer (NEFT & SWIFT). To cover bank charges on card payments, 2% is charged on foreign credit cards; no charges are added for payments through Indian debit or credit cards.
3. Refund and Cancellation Policy
Advances for room bookings are in principle non-refundable. Exceptions may be made if you cancel at least one month beforehand. In this case, bank charges and a small admin fee will be deducted. You can also opt to keep your payment as an outstanding advance for use within 6 months.
Advances for therapies are in principle non-refundable. However, in case you cancel your therapy at least 24 hours beforehand, your payment will be kept as an outstanding advance for use within 6 months.
Workshops and courses may be canceled due to an insufficient number of clients. Check with our reception a few days before your workshop or course starts to avoid unnecessary travel.
If a workshop or course is canceled, your advance will be fully refunded. We do not accept, however, any further liability due to cancellations.
In case you have to leave the workshop or course due to illness or any other personal reason, we will not be liable to make any refund.
4. Privacy Policy
According to Indian government regulations, we register foreign clients using our accommodation facilities with the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) to whom we provide your passport and visa details online. According to internal Auroville regulations, we register Indian clients with the Auroville Guest Registration Service to whom we provide your Adhaar card deails online.
All health information received from our clients is used only for in-house purposes and kept completely private.
We respect the privacy of our clients and personal information is never given nor sold to third parties.
If you browse our website, you do so anonymously. We do not collect any personal information without your consent. We do log your IP address (the internet address of your computer) to provide us with an idea of which part of the site you visit and how long you spend there. Your IP address is not linked to anything personally identifiable. We also log the computer, operating system and browser type you are using. This information is automatically provided by your browser.
In some cases, you may voluntarily provide personal information, for example, when you complete a specific form on our website. This information is used by us to assist in responding to whatever query or other interest you may have expressed. We may use this personal information to provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you, whenever you have consented to be contacted for such purposes.
We use outside debit and credit card processing companies and banks to process payments and to bill users for services. As far as we are aware, these companies do not retain, share, store or use personal identifiable information for any secondary purposes other than for purposes of their business.
By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of information you disclose.
5. License
You are allowed to print and download extracts from this website on condition that (1) no documents or related graphics on this website are modified in any way and (2) the company’s copyright and this permission notice appear in all copies.
6. Online Service Access
While we endeavour to ensure that our website is normally available 24/7, we will not be liable if for any reason our website is unavailable at any time or for any period. Access to our website may be suspended temporarily and without notice in case of system failure, maintenance or repair, or for reasons beyond our control.
7. Details of Promoters/Owners/Partners
Quiet Healing Center is a service unit of the Auroville Foundation, which was created by an Act of Parliament in 1988 to set up a legal framework for Auroville, an international township founded by The Mother from the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in 1968. (For more info about Auroville, see www.auroville.org). Quiet Healing Center is fully owned by the Auroville Foundation, who has appointed Executives to manage the unit on its behalf.